Bob & Bella de bouwers - deel 4Round: 7: Gezond & fit The mandatory block: Submission deadline 7 December 2022 23:00 Award points deadline 9 December 2022 23:00 De laatste ronde voor deze competitie! Wie wordt de winnaar? Basdegast, de Legodoos of toch een spurt van de anderen? Wens in ieder geval dat iedereen gezond en fit het nieuwe jaar ingaat, vandaar t thema. ☺️ Back to the competition overview Open modal Oops You already gave the same score to another submission.We solved that for you by removing this score from the other one. Ok, thanks! Open modal Oops You have not guessed all the titles or did not score all the entries, yet. Take a closer look and try again. Ok, thanks! Open modal Oops You have not selected a file or entered a title. Ok, thanks! Submissions Blockbuster (Tom) Zwemmen/zwemmer(Open water) zwemmenzwemmenBuiten zwemmenZwemmen Number of points this round:21 Number guessed: 3Number guessed by others: 4Appointed stars: 10Most creative idea: 1Best use of the mandatory block: 3 This team skips a round Lego010 (Marcel) Number of points this round:- No points available this round. This team hasn't submitted anything yet Sebastiaan Number of points this round:- No points available this round. Blokkendoos (Irma) Yogi / yogaYogaYogayogaYoga Number of points this round:14 Number guessed: 3Number guessed by others: 4Appointed stars: 7Most creative idea: 1Penalties mandatory block: -1 Miranda Schijf van 5schijf van vijfgeen vlees meer etenSchijf van vijfSchijf van 5 Number of points this round:12 Number guessed: 3Number guessed by others: 3Appointed stars: 4Most creative idea: 1Best use of the mandatory block: 1 Hugo met personal trainer in de gymSortschoolnaar de sportschoolSportschool Fitness Number of points this round:6 Appointed stars: 6Most creative idea: 1Penalties mandatory block: -1 This team hasn't submitted anything yet Mokum (Angeniet) Number of points this round:- No points available this round. This team hasn't submitted anything yet Legolimbo (Jacquelien) Number of points this round:2 Number guessed: 2 This team hasn't submitted anything yet LegoMasterM (Marco) Number of points this round:- No points available this round. This team hasn't submitted anything yet Wendy (Ingrid) Number of points this round:- No points available this round. This team hasn't submitted anything yet Basdegast (Bas) Number of points this round:- No points available this round. Roulien 2 ons groente en 2 stuks fruitGroente en fruitGroente en fruiteen moestuin makenGroente en fruit Number of points this round:8 Number guessed: 3Number guessed by others: 3Appointed stars: 2 This team hasn't submitted anything yet Iejoor (Judith en Eveline) Number of points this round:- No points available this round. This team hasn't submitted anything yet Jochem Number of points this round:- No points available this round. This team hasn't submitted anything yet Seb fluit (Sebas) Number of points this round:- No points available this round. Support us! Buy us a coffee