Laat ie feijn zijn!Round: 3: Kunstwerken

The mandatory block:
The mandatory block:
Submission deadline22 December 2021 18:00
Award points deadline 26 December 2021 14:00


Missy Blocks

Victory Boogie Woogie

  • Mondriaan, victory boogie woogie
  • Victorie Boogie Woogie
  • victory boogie woogie
  • Victory boogie woogie
  • Victorie boogie-woogie
  • Victory boogy woogy
Number of points this round:26
Number guessed: 5Number guessed by others: 6Appointed stars: 11Most creative idea: 4

De legondarische scheldezwervers

(Zeeland) brug

  • Zeelandbrug
  • Zeelandbrug
  • zeelandbrug
  • Badeend
  • Zeelandbrug
  • brug
Number of points this round:11
Number guessed: 6Number guessed by others: 5Appointed stars: 0

De Tukkers

Who’s Afraid of Red, Yellow and Blue (IV) met Mies

  • Barnett Newman, Who's Afraid of Red, Yellow, and Blue IV
  • De Stijl met Mies
  • Who's Afraid of Red, Yellow, and Blue IV met Mies
  • Who’s afraid of red yellow and blue (IV) met mies
  • who's afraid of red yellow and blue
  • Who is afraid of red yellow and blue met mies
Number of points this round:16
Number guessed: 6Number guessed by others: 4Appointed stars: 6


De Schreeuw (Edvard Munch, 1893)

  • Edvard Munch, De Schreeuw
  • De schreeuw (Munch)
  • de schreeuw
  • The Scream
  • De schreeuw
  • De schreeuw
Number of points this round:13
Number guessed: 4Number guessed by others: 6Appointed stars: 0Best use of the mandatory block: 3


Ceci n’est pas une pipe/dit is geen pijp

  • Ceci n'est pas une pipe
  • Ceci n’est pas une pipe
  • ceci n'est pas une pipe
  • Ceci n'est pas une pipe
  • Ceci, n'est pas une pipe
  • Ceci n’est pas une pipe
Number of points this round:20
Number guessed: 6Number guessed by others: 6Appointed stars: 5Best use of the mandatory block: 3

Miel en Maaikinator


  • Comedian (Cattelan)
  • Art Basel banaan
  • Aan de muur geplakte banaan
  • The comedian
  • geen idee
  • Comedian
Number of points this round:20
Number guessed: 6Number guessed by others: 5Appointed stars: 7Most creative idea: 2

Cat & the Corn Blocks


  • Statue of Liberty
  • Vrijheidsbeeld
  • Statue of Liberty
  • Vrijheidsbeeld
  • vrijheidsbeeld
  • Vrijheidsbeeld
Number of points this round:26
Number guessed: 5Number guessed by others: 6Appointed stars: 13Most creative idea: 1Best use of the mandatory block: 1
This team skips a roundThis team skips a round


Number of points this round:-
No points available this round.