Bob en Bella - deel 5 - de lustrumeditie!Round: 2: Humor

The mandatory block:
The mandatory block:
Submission deadline16 April 2023 23:59
Award points deadline 19 April 2023 23:59


Legolimbo (Jacqulien)

Wim de Bie: simplisties verbond

  • ?
  • Zwarte humor
  • De humor is op het kerkhof begraven
  • Grafhumor
Number of points this round:11
Number guessed: 5Appointed stars: 4Most creative idea: 1Best use of the mandatory block: 1


Uitglijden over een bananen schil

  • Uitglijden over een bananenschil
  • Bananenschil onderuit op
  • uitglijden over een bananenschil
  • Over een bananenschil uitglijden
  • Iemand die over een bananenschil valt
Number of points this round:9
Number guessed by others: 5Appointed stars: 3Most creative idea: 2Penalties mandatory block: -1

Basdegast (Bas)


  • Galgenhumor
  • Galgenhumor
  • Galgenhumor
  • Galgje
Number of points this round:14
Number guessed: 4Number guessed by others: 3Appointed stars: 4Most creative idea: 1Best use of the mandatory block: 2
This team hasn't submitted anything yetThis team hasn't submitted anything yet


Number of points this round:-
No points available this round.


Pipo de Clown

  • pipo de clown
  • Pipo
  • clown (pipo) met clownswagen
  • Pipo de Clown
Number of points this round:16
Number guessed: 4Number guessed by others: 4Appointed stars: 8

LegoMasterM (Marco)

Clown - Bassie de Clown 😂

  • Clown
  • Clown
  • clown
  • clown
  • André van Duin
Number of points this round:2
Number guessed by others: 4Appointed stars: 3Penalty Points double entry : -5

Blockbuster (Tom)


  • pipo de clown
  • Pipo de clown
  • Clown
  • Clown
Number of points this round:8
Number guessed: 5Number guessed by others: 2Appointed stars: 5Best use of the mandatory block: 1Penalty Points double entry : -5
This team hasn't submitted anything yetThis team hasn't submitted anything yet


Number of points this round:-
No points available this round.

Blokkendoos Irma


  • Clown
  • Clown
  • Clown
  • Clown
Number of points this round:3
Number guessed: 4Number guessed by others: 4Appointed stars: 0Penalty Points double entry : -5
This team hasn't submitted anything yetThis team hasn't submitted anything yet

Wendy (Ingrid)

Number of points this round:-
No points available this round.